Monday, February 04, 2008

eScrum instead of CMMI

It's been an interesting day in my new group. My former organization used the TFS CMMI templates. Our group wide CMMI efforts are pretty much dissolved, but TFS and the templates are still in use.

The new group is using something called "eSrum" and an Agile development mythology. From the looks of it, it's been around a while though I've never looked at them before. I thought Scrum and Agile were two different things, but from what I've found so far, people around here use the terms interchangeably.

They have an existing TFS system setup in their DEV environment. They were having some issues with creating "Build" reports as the eScrum templates don't include one. So I pumped out a few pretty quick referring back to Buck's posting here when needed. If you have not checked this out, you should. It's very helpful if you need to get up to speed with Reports quickly.

We also upgraded their TSWA from 2005 to 2008. I'm not sure why they were running 2005 as we're running 2008 for everything else. The upgrade was very smooth. It only took about 10 minutes after we got started.

Overall they have things pretty well setup in their TFS 2008 DEV environment. They do plan on scaling out to a full TFS deployment (i.e. primary/standby app servers with clustered data tiers), which we'll have to tackle when that times come.

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